Being a modern day gentleman have to do with your personality and attitude towards life, it doesn’t
necessarily mean anymore to have a perfect trimmed beard or shinny slick back hair, but it helps…
That’s why, in collaboration with Aramis, I wanted to introduced you to these vintage looking and
wonderful products. Join me, and become a modern day gentleman
necessarily mean anymore to have a perfect trimmed beard or shinny slick back hair, but it helps…
That’s why, in collaboration with Aramis, I wanted to introduced you to these vintage looking and
wonderful products. Join me, and become a modern day gentleman
Ser un caballero de hoy en día tiene que ver con tu personalidad y tu actitud en la vida, ya no tiene que
ver necesariamente con llevar la barba perfectamente recortada o un pelo brillante y repeinado, pero
ayuda... Por eso, en colaboración con Aramis, quería presentaros estos increíbles productos de estética
vintage. Anímate, y como yo, conviértete en un caballero contemporáneo.

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