Kenzo jumper, Alexander Wang leather jacket, Davidelfin sunglasses, American Apparel beanie,
Balenciaga classic city bag, h&m jeans and Dr. Martens boots
Yes, I´m very into beanies right now, I have them in every single colour and they are the best way to:
a) keep me warm during this cold winter and b) grow my hair long. Affirmative, this might be the
begging of what I´m hoping it will get to a shoulder length mane. A bit tired of the quiff now that
everybody seems to have it as their hair style. I think I´ll park for a bit
James Dean and go now for a Kurt Cobain
Sí, estoy un poco obsesionado con los beanies últimamente, los tengo en todos los colores y son la
mejor forma de: a) mantenerme caliente durante el invierno y b) dejarme el pelo largo. Afirmativo, este
puede ser el comienzo de lo que espero llegue a ser una melena al hombro. Estoy un poco cansado del
tupé que parece que todos llevan ahora. Creo que voy a aparcar un poco a
James Dean y probar Kurt Cobain
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