It was about time a bit of fresh weather hit Madrid. So yesterday, for first time I had a chance to wear this vintage denim jacket I fell in love with ever since my sister bought it during a school trip to Rome many years ago. My mum stole it first and it has now been kidnaped by me, it really feels like a treasure to me. No kidding. Also feels great to leave the shoe-ing aside for a bit and go back to my skater roots with this comfy and always in style Vans. Happy autumn everyone!
Por fií el tiempo refresca un poco en Madrid. Ayer, por primera vez, pude ponerme esta chaqueta vaquera vintage de la que me enamoré desde que mi hermana la trajera de un viaje de fin de curso hace muchos años. Mi madre se la robó primero y ahora la he secuestrado yo, de verdad es como un tesoro para mi. Y otro puntazo es dejar un poco tanto zapato duro y volver a mis raices de skater con mis vans, comodas y bonitas. Feliz otoño!

vintage Levis denim jacket, american apparel tee, april77 jeans, uniqlo socks, vans shoes
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