Last Thursday took place the Marie Claire awards at the French Ambassador’s residence, in Madrid, and of course, I was well excited for two reasons: Daphne Guinness was coming (she confirmed to me via twitter), and I was finally going to wear the square-block look that David Delfín had made for me. I had been dressed for events many times before but this was the first time a recognised designer like David had actually designed something and make it especially for me. What am I going to say, you all know how much I like his stuff, it was such an honour, and we had an amazing time!
El jueves pasado tuvo lugar los Prix de la moda Marie Claire en la residencia del embajador de Francia, en Madrid, y yo me moria de ganas de ir por dos motivos: Daphne Guinness vendría (me confirmo su asistencia por twitter), y por fin estrenaría el conjunto que David Delfín había hecho para mi. He sido vestido para eventos muchas veces pero esta era la primera vez que un diseñador reconocido como David había diseñado algo expresamente para mi. Que os voy a decir yo, que sabéis cuanto me gusta lo que hace, fue un honor y nos lo pasamos en grande!

With Brianda and Miranda

Carmen Lomana and David Delfín

With the amazing Daphne Guinness and the awarded Haider Ackerman
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