Prince Pelayo for AMS


For those who don't know yet I write a monthly column for the Absolut Mode Society blog,
a brand new website where 25 spanish bloggers (I know, I didn't know there were so many either) collaborate to create interesting content and, believe me, it's worth having a look into. My latest post is a big mood board of 86 images, that's why it doesn't matter if you don't speak Spanish, hopefully you'll still get a bit of inspiration. Click here to browse. Enjoy!

Para aquellos que no lo sabíais escribo mensualmente para el blog de Absolut Mode Society, una nueva página web donde 25 bloggers Españoles (ya, yo tampoco sabía que había tantos) colaboran para generar un contenido interesante y, creedme, vale la pena echarle un vistazo. Mi última entrada es un gran mood-board compuesto por 86 imágenes que espero te sirva de inspiración. Haz click aquí para echar un vistazo, disfruta!

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